Posts about "Mortgage Loans (CMBS and RMBS) (3)"

Five Things to Know to Prepare for Consumer ABS Litigation

As performance risk grows in consumer ABS, legal risks will ensue. To negotiate best terms and prepare for potential disputes, every investor and deal party should know the ways the law has been transformed by years of RMBS litigation. This new legal framework, which impacts when and how claims must be made in order to survive challenge, will ultimately determine who wins and who loses in any...

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How Rising Interest Rates Impact CMBS

Joseph Cioffi was quoted in a Commercial Property Executive article, "How Rising Interest Rates Impact CMBS."

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Maturing CMBS Loans Face Greater Refinancing Hurdles

Joseph Cioffi was quoted in a Wealth Management Real Estate article, "Maturing CMBS Loans Face Greater Refinancing Hurdles."

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Five Things To Know About Underwriting Cannabis-related Real Estate Loans

Joseph Cioffi was quoted in a Real Estate Capital USA article, "Five Things To Know About Underwriting Cannabis-related Real Estate Loans."

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Reg F:  Finally Bright Line Rules Come to Debt Collection

Joseph Cioffi and Nicole Serratore recently discussed the CFPB’s new debt collection rules relating to communications between debt collectors and consumers, which gives greater control to consumers and reduces legal exposure for complying collectors. With the threat of an economic downturn and delinquencies rising across markets, compliance will become increasingly important, especially in...

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It Just Got Easier to Be Green in NYC (And It’s Worth It)

The chances of success greatly improve when you start with a clear goal, set measurable standards, and execute on the plan. So it’s fair to say New York City has taken a big step toward a more sustainable future by finally moving forward with commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing for energy efficient improvements and renewable energy systems in existing buildings in New...

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What to Watch in Real Estate Alternative Financing

Inflation forecasts have piqued investors’ interests in adding more real estate to their portfolios, while new technologies and geographic, climate and consumer trends are driving the need for creative and alternative financing structures. Now is the time to get familiar with these arrangements as it won’t be long before they have a significant impact on the credit markets, either through...

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