Student loan forgiveness efforts are stalled, federal agencies are attacking educational legal issues from a variety of angles, and coordinated action among agencies and attorneys general are expected to increase. With the Biden administration refocusing its efforts on regulatory oversight across various lending sectors, and recent stronger standards passed by the Department of Education (DOE) on...
The chances of success greatly improve when you start with a clear goal, set measurable standards, and execute on the plan. So it’s fair to say New York City has taken a big step toward a more sustainable future by finally moving forward with commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing for energy efficient improvements and renewable energy systems in existing buildings in New...
Inflation forecasts have piqued investors’ interests in adding more real estate to their portfolios, while new technologies and geographic, climate and consumer trends are driving the need for creative and alternative financing structures. Now is the time to get familiar with these arrangements as it won’t be long before they have a significant impact on the credit markets, either through...
Joseph Cioffi was quoted in a Commercial Mortgage Alert article regarding the hurdles of bringing cannabis-related securitizations to market.
The tensions between federal and state cannabis laws continue to persist. In this article, we identify the key federal legal issues for financial institutions and lenders when working with state-legal cannabis businesses.
We provide a quick snapshot of legal issues surrounding lending in the cannabis space, including state-federal regulatory hurdles and debt enforcement challenges for lenders, and business considerations for borrowers when preparing for a deal.
Finding financing for state-legal cannabis businesses can be a challenge, but with the right preparation, cannabis business borrowers can put their best foot forward to present themselves to potential lenders. We highlight the key considerations borrowers should be ready to address.